Don't procrastinate your day of repentance!
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Well hello everyone! This past week has been such a great week, a week of highs and lows! We began to teach a former investigator named George. I was on exchanges with Elder Varela, another Elder in my district and we were walking the streets in Reedley looking for new people to teach. We couldn't find anyone because everyone is now working in the fruit fields and packing factories! It was a stressful day! We then had a thought to stop by George's home to see if he had moved or if he now had time to listen to our message. We knocked on his door and to our surprise he answered the door! He was a bit shocked also but was very happy to see us. It was one of those experiences where I felt like I had met this man before and was touched by the spirit that we needed to teach him. He told us to come by the following night and share a message with him. Elder Arredondo and I went over to his home the following night to share a message with he and his wife. As we began talking about Jesus Christ's church and how it was established, he poured his heart out to us saying he wants to change his life. He has been battling an addiction to alcohol and has to have 2-3 beers a day just to keep him from having withdrawls and shakes! The spirit was so powerful in that room. For one of the first times on my mission I felt a love for this man that I had just barely met, that was something like I had never felt before. I could see how sin has been a real burden on him and satan has had his grip on him. The spirit had come over me so strong! After hearing his talk about his health problems the immediate thought was of giving this man a blessing and that was exactly what he needed at that moment! We laid our hands on his head and gave him a blessing. He was crying and was so grateful to have the missionaries back in his life. We finished that lesson with inviting him to be baptized in which he said yes. With the spirit that was in the room at that time, we knew we had to invite him!
If anyone thinks they are too far gone, and there is no shot for rescue, I can tell you there is through repentance and the Atonement of Jesus Christ! Like in the book of Enos, when he prays for forgiveness with all of his soul, God says, "my son thy sins are forgiven thee"! I have personally felt my guilt swept away through repentance and a desire to change! With using the proper steps of repentance, we can make our way back to that straight and narrow path! Two hours after teaching George we went to a recent convert's apartment to share a little message with her. As we approached her door we saw her husband and her son who have both spent some time in jail. They were just relaxed and both sharing a few beers. They both like talking to the missionaries but both feel that the life of drinking and just kicking back is what's going to bring them the most happiness. We thought what a great teaching opportunity. Both have been wondering why we need to repent or be baptized. We shared that without being born of water and of the spirit you cannot enter into the kingdom of God! Still both had there doubts. Then we had a scripture that we had shared a few nights before with another investigator which I have always liked. It's in Alma 34 which talks of not procrastinating your day of repentance, that this is the time for us to prepare to meet God! Elder Arredono and I were quite amazed at their change after reading that. It was the spirit that pricked their hearts in that moment! That moment was also really powerful and was such a great day during the week!
I know that God lives, and that his son Jesus Christ died for our sins! I love you all! Missions are the best thing ever! Have a great week!
Elder Tanner Aiken
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